
How to Get a Mentor for Your World.

Where are these customers?
Why aren’t they interested in the things am selling?
Why I am not getting better opportunities?
When will my business idea work?
Why do I end up with jokers in relationships? These questions are the reasons why you need a mentor.
A world exists
There is a world that exist that you have no clue about.

To access this world quickly, it will take a man.

It will man a man who already has access to that world.

The disciples came back to Jesus shocked. Even the devils are subject to us. They said. I dont think Jesus was very surprised by their experience. He was operating at that level already. That is why he sent them out. To get them to know what he knows about iperating in power.

The higher you go the quieter it gets. People at the top dont shout a lot ab ou t what they are doing.

Expensive is not common. That is why it is expensive.

The higher you go the fewer the number of wealthy people gets. The wealthy are few and the poor people are all over. Imagine a slum and the leafy suburbs where the wealthy live, where is there more space? Why? The wealthy are few. That is why the poor run to see the wealthy when they step out in the public. They are not a common occurrence, so they remain a sight to behold.

Great relationship
The shortcut to the world you didn’t know exist is accessed  through a relationship or relationships.
A relationship with someone who can show you or teach you about that world. But how will you find the person in a world you didnt know. Sounds impossible.

Executive mentor.
Look at me for instance. I had never stepped into a 5 star hotel at 25 years of age. Matter of fact I used to fear even passing near one lest am accused of trespassing or something. I convinced myself that that was not my world and I was comfortable with where most of my friends hanged out.

It took meeting one man, an international businessman cum pastor in a christian meeting that was organised in a 5 star hotel for me to date step into one. He was my access to a new world of 5 star hotels, luxury cars, executive dressing and airlines.

Never settle
Sometimes even surrounded by our friend, some of us still feel unsettled, like we are still looking for something more. You are usually searching consciously or unconsciously. You laugh with your friends but when the laughter has died down you still asking deeper questions within.

How I ended in that meeting minus my friends was because I was searching. Never settle or feel ackward about it.

Why A mentor
The person who teaches you the methods, ways, routes is simply someone we keep hearing people call, a mentor. Of course you can access the same by yourself and so you dont need to sit to listen to any mentor but a commodity you will lose in the process is time. Precious commodity.

Why succeed when you are above 50 years old while it’s possible to do the same at 30.

Shortened Process
Someone said you are the average of the 5 people closest to you. That means to raise your chances and average, you have to form close relationships with more people operating higher than your  current five close friends. Simple math, yes!

I have successfully professionally mentored people in our industry, our world. Mentees arrive not sure about a lot and seeking their hands to be held but after 3 months you will be shocked at their level of confidence and ability to navigate the world. You always need a hand to shorten the process.

Your interest.
Do you have a friend who seems ahead of th rest of your friends. Study them with questions. You come across an event and you somehow find it interesting….attend it or plan to attend. There is a reason why you never notice some things in the world around you. When walking in the supermakret  I usually pay no attention to the dog food section….why I am not interested. Have you noticed how you quickly spot posters on a notice board and somehow pay no attention to others. The things that are inherently connected to you will get you quick attention. So flow with them you, they will lead you to someone who will usher you deeper into a world you didnt know exists.

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